Saturday, February 12, 2022

I Choo Choo Choose You!

I like you Clarence. Always have, always will.
While Valentine's Day may be nothing more than a corporate ploy to sell candy, cards, paternity tests, and jewelry, this year I've decided to take the holiday back from the faux love-spewing shills and send out real trinkets of affection. What better way to get the band back together than to send out my version of Valentine's Day cards for yet another round of blind whiskey tasting.
The same ground rules as before apply, but since this round features two different whiskeys, in addition to providing a brief set of impressions for each whiskey, there is an additional request of our tasters: send along thoughts of how these two whiskeys compare and contrast to one another. 
How are these two whiskeys similar and/or dissimilar to each other? 
Did you like one more than the other? 
Would you buy a bottle of either (or both or neither)? 
Was one a clear-cut favorite or did you enjoy (or not enjoy) both fairly equally?

Look for the reveal and group impressions in mid to late March. As always, thanks to everyone for playing along, it promises to be a grand time.

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